Individual Therapy
Online counseling service for women throughout California
Has the current political climate left you feeling anxious, stressed out, and ready to leave the country?
Has a series of microaggressions from white colleagues at your workplace got you fucked up?
Do unresolved issues from your past keep coming up in your personal relationships?
Are your secrets making you sick?
Do you feel like you are in a “sunken place” and aren’t quite sure on how to get out?
Tired of Feeling Miserable ? Individual Therapy Can Help
It’s time for you to make some changes in your life
You are at your breaking point and realize that you need help. That’s why you are up in the middle of the night searching for a Black therapist. Someone who gets you. You are ready to stop fucking around and get your shit together.
The time has come to put on your big girl panties and start therapy. With so many mixed and potentially harmful messages from influencer therapists floating around on Tik-Tok and Instagram, you see the benefit of actually having your own therapist IRL. One that speaks to you and understands your experience.
Work with an individual therapist online
As much as you want to look like you have it all together, you live with a constant sense of unease and anxiety that is impacting how you show up in your life, your work, and your relationships.
You have a sense that your past is somehow affecting your present — that the experiences you had as a child and throughout life are impacting the way you feel today. You want to understand how all of these pieces are connected so you can create a new future for yourself and your relationships.
Please believe that there may be some resistance in the beginning. Sometimes therapy is not warm and fuzzy. It can feel like a roller coaster of ups and downs, highs and lows. There may be times when you will ugly cry and leave the session needing to process and journal some things we discussed that day. At other times, you will have profound come to Jesus moments and will barely be able to wait until we meet again for our next session!
I often tell my clients that change is the hardest part of our work together. It can be a hard pill to swallow to have to sit with the parts of yourself that you hide and try to bury. Your default is comfortable, like a cozy blanket- familiar and you’re so used to it. Why switch up something that’s working. Or is it? I can lead you to the water, it is up to you if you decide to drink it.
Just know that it is all part of a process to help you uncover what is holding you back, discover your resilience and power, and narrow the gap between you and reaching your full potential. You got this!
“there is you and you . this is a relationship. this is the most important relationship.”
— poet Nayyirah Waheed
READY TO start individual therapy in california?
Book a consultation to discuss your unique experience, needs and goals.